Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Our Magic & Ritual BOOK OF SHADOWS is finally complete and can be downloaded here!

Congratulations everyone! This is a beautiful book with very thoughtful, heartfelt entries by everyone!!

Wonderful, wonderful job everyone!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Your final draft of your submission to the class' Book of Shadows must be emailed to me by Sunday, June 10, 2012, 12:00 midnight (PST!!) If you miss this deadline, you will not be included in the final print out of the book and your final submission will be considered incomplete!!!!

Download and answer the final exit questionnaire, print and turn in at the beginning of our last class, Thursday, June 14, 2012, 1pm.  For those of you that are graduating and are in the Portfolio Show, your writing may be submitted via email by the same time (Thurs, June 14, 1pm).


Magic & Ritual-ers!!!

Your "final" consists of 2 parts-

1. Your contribution to the class' Book of Shadows. This must be submitted by Thurs, June 7.

2. Answer the Magic & Ritual  Final Exit Questionnaire. Print out and bring to final class, Thurs, June 14, 1pm. For those of you that are graduating and have a Portfolio show that day, please email me your writing by the same time (Thurs, June 14, 1pm).

Saturday, June 2, 2012

ATTN: Field trip make up people + e3 folks!!

If you missed the field trip, you may try to make it up by taking the trip yourself to Forest Lawn - GLENDALE (not Hollywood!!), taking photos of yourself there, and writing a little blurb about your experience. Download the 2 page pdf of the map of Forest Lawn + an explanation of what to do at the Labyrinth. There are 3 places to visit - "The Last Supper" (please make sure to what the "The Last Supper" stained glass show!- it is on every 30 mins), "The Crucifixion and Ressurrection," and the Labyrinth.

FOR ALL E3-ers who will not be in class next week, please make absolutely sure to email me your contribution to the book of shadows by class time on Thursday. This is part of your final project so it is imperative that you do this!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Let's all get charmed together! + FIELD TRIP

As you know from yesterday's class, we are now getting ready to collaboratively put together a "Book of Shadows" as part of your final project. For those of you that missed class please make sure to check out the Homework page as there is homework to be turned in next week at our field trip.

Regarding next week's field trip to FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL PARK-GLENDALE- if you are driving directly to the cemetery we will be meeting at 2pm right inside the entrance. If you were not in class this Thursday and need to carpool from school next week please email me immediately! For carpoolers, we will be meeting in front of A.I. at 1:15pm.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Calling all LATE PILGRIMS!!

If you did not turn in a pilgrim design report this week, please do so by next week!! This will be the last time you can turn it in. Looking forward to reading/hearing/seeing them!

Also the usual reminder- it is very cold in our classroom so please remember to bring an extra layer!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pack your bags! It's time to design a pilgrimage!

Hi everyone, thanks for coming along a trip around the world (and to the park) in our pilgrimage lecture! And for those of you who missed class, the homework assignment due next week is something you will actually be handing in so please make sure to download the homework doc and if you can, chat with someone in the class to get the gist of this pilgrimage journey you will be designing.

In the words of the Brazilian novelist and mystic Paulo Coelho (author of books like The Alchemist and The Pilgrimage): 

"When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of a rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and on most journeys you don't even understand the language the people speak. So you are like a child just out of the womb. You begin to attach much more importance to the things around you because your survival depends on them. You begin to be more accessible to others because they may be able to help you in difficult situations. And you accept any small favor from the gods with great delight, as if it were an episode you would remember fro the rest of your life." (from The Pilgrimage)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

brrrrrrr, "It's colder than a witches *#t! out there!!"

Hi everyone! We are getting the chair ordeal situated so we should all be sitting comfortably for next week's class. That said, we will most likely be going outside for part of the class so please remember to bring an extra jacket!! In general, as we've all noticed it does get a chilly in the classroom, so please remember to bring an extra layer. See you all next week for our class on pilgrimages!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

You are all great sports!!

Again everyone, great job today. And thanks for being good sports about changing classrooms and sitting on the dusty floor!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Great job everyone!!

Hi everyone, really great job today. Thank you for sharing your feedback from the intuitive readings you conducted as well as your dreams! And everyone did an amazing job with the automatic writing assignment in class!!

For next week, don't forget to bring an extra layer to stay warm in the room.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Welcome to Magic & Ritual!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Magic & Ritual. It's going to be an amazing 11 week journey! Here's the intro about the class from the syllabus-

Over the course of the next 11 weeks we will learn about certain magic & rituals found in cultures around the world, and through this knowledge, illuminate the magic and ritual, patterns and symbols, habits and traditions, hopes and fears, in our own lives. You will learn to dig beyond the surface and as artists unearth and reconnect with your own intuitive and magical language. This class will help yous to bring forth their deepest, most creative voice with confidence and joy, while also helping you to live the non-artistic parts of their lives with more imagination and creativity.